Friday, May 8, 2009

Global Warming Video

hey guys i don't know if guys want to comment about the GLOBAL WARMING but i personally think this is a really interesting topic.
OK let me start..
if we want the future generations to enjoy the planet as we are enjoying right now . although the economy will kill us first. i think we should change our routine lives and start by ..
RECYCLING!!! plastic and regular garbage on different bags
did you know plastics can take years and years to discompose
2 LIGHT BULBS: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs and unplug any electronics you will end up paying lees monthly
3 try to drive less and use the public transportation more often
4, we can save a of of water by Turning off the tap when brushing your teeth

5 i learned this online,,, Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television or operate a computer for three hours.
these are simple things that we can do and strongly believe these can help the environment and save our planet but we have to act RIGHT NOW ,, if you guys know more tips feel free to add to my blog
\... here is a video that i found online


  1. you can save water turning off the tap when we take shower. Almost everybody leave the water on meanwhile they are taking the shower. Do you know how much water is wasted??It is around 2.2 gallons a minute while you are washing yourself. Now let's calculate if I spend 15 in the shower. It would be around 33.7 per visit.

  2. Hey, You ever heard the other side to that argument that scientists claim that global warming is a hoax and that the earth is actually cooling? I encourage you to do independent research on that! I don't know which side of the argument is correct, but...yeah it is an interesting topic indeed!

  3. I have two words for you: Carbon Taxes! (research other side of the argument for further details)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Actually, all *scientific* evidence points to global warming as a phenomenon that's happenning, although there's a debate about how quickly. The only studies that show the opposite are sponsered by energy companies that stand lose money if steps are taken to fix the problem.
